Wednesday 30 September 2015


Petaling Street and night photography. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

KELMARIN malam penulis telah merempit ke Petaling Street itu untuk melayan perasaan kebosanan tahap sederhana. Tidak seperti di zaman kegemilangan puduraya yang dahulu, sekarang Petaling Street kurang meriah nampaknya. Tapi masih ramai pelancong luar negara yang datang berbondong-bondong dan membeli barang-barang jenama tahap dewata yang biasa-biasa saja disitu. Dan penjualnya ramai warga import dari luar negara seperti sedia maklum.

Nota lalat. Ini adalah entri penulis yang ke 30 di blog yang ini dan yang terakhir untuk bulan ini juga. Jumpa pembaca-pembaca blog penulis semua di bulan hadapan ya. InsyaAllah.

Blog bukanlah hakmilik kekal.

Tattoo shop. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Bule. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Hotel Petaling. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Tanglung. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

YSL. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Mini bike. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Nephelium lappaceum (rambutan). Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Ole-ole Malaysia. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

A handicapped entertainer. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Barbershop. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Restoran Yusoof dan Daddy's Home. Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.

Oh hai.
Petaling Street (Malay: Jalan Petaling, Chinese: 茨厂街) is a Chinatown located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Petaling Street however does not exclusively offer pirated products. Haggling is a common sight here and the place is usually crowded with locals as well as tourists.


  1. kelakar kan.. benda2 tu semua brand negara diorang..
    tapi borongnya yang ciplak kat tempat kita.. hehe nnt jalan kat tempat dia..
    cakap yang ori >.<

    1. wahhh bila cik Siti nak jalan2 tempat dorang tuuu., hehe2 bestnyerr kanns ;p

    2. hahaha..orang kita je sanggup perabih gi tempat diorang nak beli yang ori.

    3. Wak ni.. lambat lg nk smpai tmpt diorang.. tp masa ke Shanghai yg famous dgn fake market tu.. CT nmpak sorang pompuan omputih ni.. borong wallet n hangbag coach sampai penuh luggage dia.. lepas tu siap dapat paper bag coach lg.. i heran.. amboi.. dia pun pakai yang ciplak..

  2. subhanallahh.. so long time tak ke sini.. macam teringin lak.. i suka kat sini kalau dapat beli bunga fresh tu.. besttt..

    1. ada bunga fresh keew kat petaling street nih., hihi2 xtaula pulakk

  3. Dulu masa masih study nunnnn kat puncak alam, rajin mai sini sebab nak beli beads or semi precious stone dari Myanmar kat kedai tepi-tepi tu.. jalin buat gelang tangan or jahit manik kat baju atau headband. Mak aiii.. dah 20 tahun jugak tu..

    1. masa tu puduraya masih sesak dgn orgramai ., good ol'days zaman berendut ye makk., nostalgia banget tuuuu., huhu2

  4. Tak pernah sampai sini. Haha. Cik abg takmo bawa, bukan ade ape pun katanya. Hehe

    1. alaa tgh darah manis tuuu, senggol2 je sikit nnti mesti cik abg nak pegi., ckp je nk beli beg YSL mulah mulah., harhar2 saperlar tak sayang bini kann

  5. dh 8thn duk kl tp tak penah jln2 kt petaling street nih... heheheh tingin jgk pusing2 sini...

    1. pegila jenguk2 petaling street mak, lepas puduraya skrg ni dh tak happenings sangatt ;p

  6. foto2nya sangat menarik...kadang suka juga ronda malam area sini...intai2 melalui tingkap kereta jer...

    1. skrg ni jalanraya kat area sini pun dh x brape nak jem., x mcm dulu2 ., huhu2

  7. Dah! berkurun lama tak singgah PS.
    Those days masa muda remaja rajinlah ke sini.
    Patut pergi nih! mengimbau kenangan lalu ngeh!ngeh!ngeh!

  8. Lama dah tak singgah sini. Dulu, ini antara tempat persinggahan sebelum naik LRT Stesen Plaza Rakyat menuju ke rumah....nostalgia

  9. Wak apa nama minah mat salleh tu..huhu

  10. Tengok gambo bawah tu baru kenal.....lalat tu sapa....hihi.....
    Petaling Steet ni dulu dulu adalah pergi, la ni dah beranak , tak pernah sampai pun. Seram ar nak gi situ

  11. Oh Hai jugak Wak. manis mukanya kehkehkeh.
    tak pernah sampai ke PS nih huhhh =P

  12. dah lama x g sana wak, almaklumlah banyak kisah 'serem'..lagipun, bukan kaki shopping.

  13. Pernah jalan sana tp xpernah beli..hehehe

  14. Petaling Street, jalan Inilah selalu saya lalu suatu masa dulu masa pergi kolej sekitar tahun 2000.. Tempat tu banyak berubah wak..

  15. nmpk nyer da lama sy x kesana...penah keje kt situ beberapa thn yg lps... tp handicap entertainer tu x de lg...sedih laa plak tgk

  16. dah lama x jalan-jalan di Petaling Sreet ni


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